Many women wonder if wearing a wig day in and day out will ruin their natural hair and scalp. But wearing a wig every day is absolutely OK! Keep in mind that wearing a wig means more you’ll shorten the lifespan of it, but most human hair wigs last years.
There are a lot of questions about wigs, like, “Should you wear a wig every day?” Find out more answers to common wig myths and find out what you need to know.
Can I Wear a Wig Every Day?
If you give your hair the care that it needs, it’s fine. In fact, wearing a wig can prevent your hair from damage in some cases. Also, a satin-lined ankara bonnet is a great way to protect your hair from pillowcase friction while you sleep.
Can I Change My Hairstyle?
Even though synthetic wigs come with set styles, you can easily change your hairstyle if you choose human hair. In fact, you have more options with them. You can experiment with styles you can’t have with your natural hair. Plus, styling a wig on a stand is much easier than styling the hair on your head!
Aren’t Wigs Only for Cancer Patients or Older Women?
While wigs are an asset to women going through hair loss, anyone can wear one. If you need or want to give your natural hair a break from styling or chemical processing, wigs can offer the rest period your hair needs to recover.
You can also wear them for fun or special occasions.
Don’t Wigs Fall Off?
Not if it’s fitted properly! The cap of a wig should be snug on your head, and with a few minutes of measuring, it’s easy to find out what size you need. You can always use a wig adhesive for added security.
Should you wear a wig every day? Yes! Learn more about what you need to know to take care of your wig and natural hair by exploring the blogs at Instant Arewa Hair!